This synergy has opened up a new working perspective that has seen the quality and genuineness of the products at the center of the gastronomic supply chain. After the recent opening of the 18th century building that houses Pepe in Grani, the historic center of Caiazzo has seen new openings of accommodation facilities that have favored tourism, the rebirth of a historic center, at the time almost in decline, "enriching" the microeconomy of the country.
The dedication to work and continuous research through experimentation, updated with absolute quality, have brought into the world the image of a community, the Caiatina one, capable of reinventing itself and bringing the knowledge and goodness of the past to tables through a disc of pasta: the same structure was designed and modeled thanks to the experiences of local artisans who contributed to its creation from time to time.
There are numerous activities that attest to the social commitment. among the many, the "adoption" of the Cologno Monzese social center for the disabled takes on greater importance, to which a pizza oven has been donated and of two hotel institutes, that of Piedimonte Matese and Castel Volturno, both in the province of Caserta, at the which I conduct training and dialogue meetings with students, on behalf of the Ambasciatori del Gusto association.
Over the years Franco has organized several charity dinners whose proceeds have been used for social purposes, among these we remember the one on the occasion of the Ischia earthquake, together with the Chefs of the area, with the proceeds donated to the populations affected by the earthquake (Ischia Safary 2017/ 2018), those for the Caserta Hospital during the period of the 2020 pandemic for the purchase of necessary material on the advice of the doctors.
In 2020 he supported the launch of the Pizzas Far Good project, to internationally promote the concept of suspended pizza, supporting the idea that offering a pizza to someone you don't know could be something more than just offering food: it's about restoring faith in humanity, bringing people together in hope, inspiring and empowering them to make a difference (one pizza at a time).
Finally, there were several visits to the community of San Patrignano - Spaccio (Place for sharing, training, growth and integration of the children of the community) and to the association L'angelo degli ultima, for the support of the clochards of the municipality of Caserta.
Telethon Marathon Testimonial to support research on genetic diseases.
Testimonial AIRC to support cancer research.
Testimonial of the awareness campaign for the prevention of colorectal cancer.